Tuesday, November 24, 2009

just one...

it just takes one...
for the balance to tip!
i SO don't believe this is happening!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


dont want no flower no fern!
just waiting for the return...
what to do with with all the space, the ownership,the might,
when there's noone to fight?
another day how?
get back here now now now!!

what time, situations and states of mind make you do!

Monday, October 26, 2009


soon its going to be dawn...
why the time flies,
and the things-to-do never dies!
how my vacation is over,
and we're all still sober!
what have i to complain...
that's only the job of the sane!

Thursday, October 08, 2009


have been SO angry in a long time!
Its really bad when ppl you kinda are fond of disaapoint you!
me thinks its time to try something effective, maybe coke float needs a try...

Monday, August 17, 2009


Our 3 year old nephew, Sharan, here in Bangalore seems to have this affinity to bulbs and switches and other not too simple things other 3 year olds seems to not even know exist.
And in this whole pursuit to test them all and confirm their existence, he seems to have found a (virtual) switch for ME!
So now I randomly keep getting turned ON and OFF at absolutely any point in time! Sometimes at such speeds that my brain looses track and just freezes...
I thought while he's away to let me type for a bit, I should let the "switching-state" spirit stay and turn this space ON.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

same time.. same day...

I seem to be playing this game a little too often now a days(months)...
well but then it is like this!
This time next week I'll be.... FLYING!
So much...
nervous jitters,
excitement shivers...
its been happening week after week... Whoa!
Guess this is how it feels to be on a daily/weekly(some weird frequency) game show!
Where at the end the host says... same time, same day, next week!
and one just sits there batting eyelids and taking deep breaths in anticipated excitement!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


back from this super cool, really tiring, but emmensely exciting bagpack trip!
i dont believe its over!!!!! waaaaaah!
ireland-(london)- netherlands - germany - austria - switzerland - itlay - france!
still trying to get in terms with staying in one place for longer than 3 days :P
more details to come.
just wanted to log this before the details, cause the coming days seem to be no less full of excitment, and i sure dont want this to be lost.
i sure could write about the places forever... more as and when i can...

Friday, March 27, 2009

take a break...

They don't call home sweet for nothing.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


some are around to ruin like a curse...
and some just make it all alright, like there are millions of reasons to smile.
thank you to them, I cherish your presence.
to the others! GO GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I have found myself thinking on multiple occasions about why a certain set of people(likes of who are called terrorists etc) believe in what they are doing. And I do just keep tracing all routes to come to upbringing.
I am really glad that I was brought up in a secular country. With my books and teachers screaming at me time and again, that all religions are equal, all human are the same, the sun shine on us all. While I did not realise the value of it then, my reaction might just have been "ya ok! like you said that the color of the leaves is green.", it sure did seem to have mingled to become part of my beliefs.
Guess is similar for them... their beliefs are just a function of what they've heard over and over.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

and a few more...

Well I don't mean to make this a Sunday ritual but then it like this time of the week, all the week's reflections seems to be spilling over the brim of my memory and with the fear of loosing them I am forced to type. Some from the books I read, some from the movies, some from songs, some from travel and some right from my head.

- The things we cant see are the most important things on this earth. They are called ideas.

- men can see much better than they can think

- the next person coming to London and has an extra weekend to spare MUST go to seven sisters (near Brighton) one of the most breath-taking places!

- Did a little mini trek after ages, and its reinforced more than ever that I totally love it!

- time should not be just passed....it should be used!

- I'm not one who knows too much about languages to be able to appreciate it, but from the few I've heard , I think Urdu is one of the most romantic languages!

Monday, March 02, 2009

sunday evening thoughts

After a really nice, long, thoughtful and quite weekend:

- treat friendship like the sun : its existence undisputed; its radiance best enjoyed, not beheld directly.

- satisfying job:if money and circumstance was not a question, it would be something you would do and continue to do the way you do now and better.

- after the art of photography was perfected, cynics complained that it was the end of painting. Similar was said a while back about printing.

- ' each day to the fullest ' or ' today for a better tomorrow! ' how I hope to strike a balance... SOON

All this and more definately does not make me more able to comment on Zimbabwe's inflation... nor does it make me more prepared for the monday ... but well not that I can help either at this point in time!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

thursday evening fun

sitting in london,
dressed for goa,
dining on italian,
and enjoying bollywood of the 70's.
laughing away all by self on a thursday evening...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


worked hard
partied harder
laughed to tears
cried obviously with tears
got spoilt
was proud
was miserably disappointed
was hopeful
and hopeless
and happy
and angry
There was SO much... I'm quite overwhelmed, and inspite of the negatives, I really enjoyed. The months that have gone by sure did keep me busy enough to stay off this blog for a while. And though they did not cause a stir or revelations or something super dramatic that one might want to read or expect. It sure was the much needed time for self! :)

Thursday, January 29, 2009


how do you do?


have'nt been posting in a while...
well the subject explains it, innit?