Wednesday, May 20, 2009


back from this super cool, really tiring, but emmensely exciting bagpack trip!
i dont believe its over!!!!! waaaaaah!
ireland-(london)- netherlands - germany - austria - switzerland - itlay - france!
still trying to get in terms with staying in one place for longer than 3 days :P
more details to come.
just wanted to log this before the details, cause the coming days seem to be no less full of excitment, and i sure dont want this to be lost.
i sure could write about the places forever... more as and when i can...

1 comment:

Prasoon said...

what in earth? aren't you on a work assignment? i'd be damned if you tell me that this was all client sponsored.. :)

Am sure you had. I so very much want to visit Switzerland and France n Italy. Ok, germany too but kab aur kaise? :(