Friday, November 03, 2006


so wht's driving you???
we wait for
the next promotion,
the next raise,
the next job,
the better next step!
traveled a bit last 2 weeks,
saw a lot of different kind of people,
doing basic jobs of selling, sweeping ,washing etc. which they might have been doing since the start, and will probably continue doing for the rest of their life.
wondered what was driving them.
how would it be to get up every morning,following the same exhausting schedule day after day,knowing that its not going to change ever!
just the need to be able to feed self and family??
wondered if it bothered them...
or had they just gone cold over the monotony?
could the monotony have driven them to insist that their children get a better life?
have they done anything to see to it that the next generation live better?
could the want for the better next generation be driving them?

(from old blog)

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